BMNS - Building Trust Beyond Borders


BMNS issues the validation and verification statements which are realized based on data obtained from the client, site representatives and reliable websites to the best of BMNS’ knowledge and belief, bearing in mind the agreed assessment objectives and defined scope of work.

BMNS in no way should be held accountable for any faults, discrepancies or inaccuracies in information obtained from Government authorities, other sources outside of BMNS, verbal information provided to BMNS or developments resulting from circumstances/ conditions beyond the scope of this assessment.

BMNS makes no assurance or guarantee, of whatsoever nature, with regards the merchantability, marketability or suitability of the project for any purpose. As the assessment process is restricted by scope, time and schedule, it is not meant to be comprehensive and all-inclusive.

The reports are prepared in line with the defined scope of work. The scope of services performed in the execution of the assessment may not be appropriate if the information is not used in its entirety. Any partial use or re-use of the report is at the sole risk of the said user.

The client is prohibited to use BMNS’ logo to imply that statements which were not subject to validation/verification or have not been validated/verified.

No promotional or advertising activities (including brochures and offering circulars) of the client or its affiliates should involve usage of any or all information stated within BMNS’ report or correspondences.